Juice vegetarianism

Is saying bye, bye to meaty tacos, huge fatty burgers, chili dogs and many more delicious “red blooded delicatessen” a good thing? Can it be juice-ful?


Becoming a vegetarian, or a vegan, or a meatless-Mondays-eater has some very juicy benefits. Here’s why we should all take note on this:


  1. You could live longer!

Yes, not all veggie lovers are healthy, but refraining from eating meat has been linked to living longer… (12% longer average lifespan).



  1. Better sex life

I don’t know about you but when I hit the gym after eating not-so-healthy-stuff (including tacos, barbacoa, buttery goodies) I feel heavy and lazy, and it’s much harder to get my workout done than when I eat healthy stuff (tuna, salads, crudités, Green smoothies)… so this same principle applies to sex, it’s cardio after all 😉 as for men, eating meat has some specific negative effect on getting things “straight”…




  1. You may have more space in your fridge

Since you won’t have to store so many dead animals in it, this would leave space for more ice cream, popsicles and sherbets… just make sure to keep it low on vegan-friendly fried stuff like mozzarella sticks, French fries (actually Belgian), onion rings and so many more guilty pleasures that might not harm the planet but sure they will break your heart… opt for fresh produce and organic greens.



  1. Helping the planet at least just a bit

Raising farm animals causes severe ecological damages (rising temperatures, mismanagement/depletion of Earth’s resources, destruction of water supplies). Also, the super-viruses caused by pumping mass-produced domesticated animals with antibiotics are affecting animal health and our own tremendously.



  1. In-peace with yourself

In case you become a vegan or a vegetarian, your conscience can be clean of any animal slaughter. You can be guilt free of any harm towards animals.


  1. Look so good…

It’s simple, when you eat right you look good, and you feel good and this reflects on our skin, our balance, our shinny hair… You can improve your looks by having a healthy diet, even if it’s based on 0 protein from meat, you should know there are much healthier alternatives coming from green goods.
