DIY Happiness Juice

Regarding to my last post, here’s a list of some things you can try to improve your moods:


  • Green is good: Go to a park, spend some time in a natural ambient, look at images of nature.


  • Put your sneakers on: Hit the gym, go for a run, shoot some hoops; these activities will make your body produce endorphins aka feel-good chemicals.


  • Get enough sleep: You’ll feel revitalized in the morning, be more productive through the day and eat less (looking good, feels good).


  • Heal your mind: Meditate, peaceful thoughts brings us a sense of harmony.


  • Try something new: Not chicken waffles (unless those makes you happy), try a new activity, get a new hobby that truly interests you. Salsa lessons, kayak rowing or blogging…

dance 2

  • Turn on the radio: Listening to music reduces stress. I would suggest keeping away from heavy dark stuff, but that’s just me…


  • Dear negative thought… : Write down whatever is bothering you and throw it, burn it or recycle it. Also keeping a diary of good things that happen to you will make you feel more satisfied with life.


  • Under the sheets action: It also helps you produce feel-good hormones, release stress and doing it more than four times per week is linked with a higher income.


  • Be grateful: It makes you feel healthy and happy, and it also makes the “thanks” receiver feel better; win-win buddies!


  • Be a good friend: And also have good friends (not talking about your 2500 FB pals), it helps us feel less stressed and confident. Spread your wings social butterfly! but spread them on people who are worth it.


  • Hakuna Matating: Let go, stress less, no worries, no regrets. Do learn from mistakes but be proactive rather than miserable.


  • Pamper yourself: What we reflect on the outside becomes our inner self. Get a healthy tan, mani-pedi sessions, facial masks, massages; it all adds up to a better you.


  • Yogaliciuos: It beats anxiety and boosts our mood. It just feels good.


  • Eat right: Healthy eating habits improve mental and physical health.


  • Don’t be so harsh on yourself:  Focus on how valuable you are, become stronger and more experienced.


  • Wear it bright: Use bright colors, related to cheerful feelings.


  • Flowers everywhere: Nature gifts boost positive emotions, creativity and can make a room feel amazingly pleasant.

bright side

  • Always look at the bright side: You’ll be more productive and healthier.


  • Deep conversations: Less chit chat, less gossip lead to a better mood.


  • Get it done: Challenging matters can cause some stress, but once we get them done, we get a nice feeling of happiness. Having goals keeps on focused, in control and this boosts self-esteem.


  • If you don’t like it, change it: If you want to complain, do it with a purpose and with some knowledge on the subject, identify the problem and be proactive about it.


  • Have a piggy bank: It makes you feel more secure to keep some extra cash just in case, it improves well-being and control.


  • When spending money, do it wisely: When you spend money on other people it feels nice, and when also give your time it’s even better, you and the receiver share a good time together and enjoy the gift. Retail therapy never hurts either…

After trying all these…

  • Make it viral: When you’re happy, people around you feel better, they might even feel happy.


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